Corporate Social Responsibility

Achieving success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities and the natural environment.

Beyond Sustainability

At MawTaik we strongly believe in the principles of Corporate Responsibility - of achieving success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities and the natural environment. For us, corporate social responsibility encompasses the economic, environmental and social aspects of our business and our interactions with our stakeholders.

We focus our energy on initiatives that support our diverse workforce; enhance and protect our environment; strengthen our communities; and advance consumer health and wellness.  We seek to lead by example and continuously improve in those areas of our business that are under our direct control. We work with clients and suppliers to develop innovative product and service options that operationalize their corporate social responsibility objectives. Actions to protect our communities and preserve the environment for those who follow are based on more than a moral impulse; initiatives such as these help ensure the short-and long-term viability of our company.  Working in harmony with the environment and supporting those in our communities that need support provides our stakeholders with a real sense of MawTaiks values.  We place a high value on listening to our communities and strive not just to be a good neighbor, but a global corporate citizen.

“Part of being a great company is being a responsible corporate citizen. At MawTaik, we use the term “sustainability” to describe our long-term approach to balancing our business priorities with our social, economic and environmental responsibilities. These efforts align with and support our company’s goals of delivering sustainable projects that benefit local communities and consistent with our core values .” - Kaythaya Maw, Director, MawTaik.

This mission not only guides our work as a corporate citizen, but also provides a framework through which our business addresses new markets, technologies, and business models. In so doing, we believe in aligning with the United Nations/Brundtland Commission definition of sustainability: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."